Free Dresses

These free sample dresses come with the top, circle skirt, belt, and strap pieces. More pieces, such as the flared skirt and straight skirt come with the dress designs available in my Etsy Store.

To download just click on the name of the dress color you want and save the PDF file that opens. After printing, be sure to let the ink dry before cutting out the dresses, otherwise the paper can curl or the wet ink may stain your doll.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dresses

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Red is worn by Enchanted Evening Barbie with top, circle skirt, and cap sleeves.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress is worn by Barbie Fashionista Raquelle with top, circle skirt, and shoulder straps.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Orange is worn by Ever After High Holly O’Hair with top, circle skirt, and wrap around collar.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Purple is worn by The Look: Pink Gown Barbie and consists of top, circle skirt, and shoulder straps.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Pink is worn by Monster High Draculaura and consists of top, circle skirt, and cap sleeves.

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Blue

Printable Doll Clothes Sample Dress Green


7 thoughts on “Free Dresses

  1. Pingback: Ever After High’s Hat-Tastic Cerise Hood | Printable Doll Clothes

  2. Pingback: Let’s Take a Look at American Girl Samantha’s New Bed — Doll Diaries

  3. Awesome helped me soooo much thanks a million, I couldn’t make doll dresses with normal paper so when I made this it was so easy and pretty! Turned out fabulous, thank you for posting!

  4. I really love yore dresses they are so cool.i soon hope you find a new kind of stile soon YORE SO COOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU AND YORE DISINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This is great! My granddaughter loves fashion and dressing up her dolls. Her parents are at their wits ends when they find that she has cut up a towel or sheet. I’m sending these to her; I’m sure she’ll love them and it’s going to help her with her reading.

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